Python Nerdery: Natural Language to SQL Bird Call Queries

Python Nerdery: Natural Language to SQL Bird Call Queries
Sitting at my desk with a fresh coffee, I had an idea: build a web app that lets you ask questions about the Haikubox bird data in plain English and get plain answers back. Built the whole thing using Ollama to handle the natural language → SQL conversion, then execute…

Shop Server Rack – Tower 2

Shop Server Rack – Tower 2
Always trying to improve organization and make things tidy. Moved all of the network and server hardware in my shop to a studio rack I was no longer using. Formally, Tower 2. Top to Bottom AI Docker Server i7-12700KF, 64GB, 5TB SSD, RTX 4070 and RTX 2080TI Ollama - Primarily…

Digging a pointless birthday trench

Digging a pointless birthday trench
Today is my birthday and I'm spending it knocking out a task that has been nagging me for months. I had originally tucked an outdoor ethernet cable between the house and shop. I wasn't able to get 10Gbps speeds to link between the two due to what I thought was…

November 2024 – Photo of the Month

November 2024 – Photo of the Month
I take a lot of photos of Mount Rainier. I see it all the time and it still blows me away sometimes. This is November's photo of the month.

Python Nerdery: Audio RSTP AI Listener

Python Nerdery: Audio RSTP AI Listener
Today's python experiment came after hearing an explosion outside. We never identified what it was, but it led me to be curious if I could create an AI listener to the camera. Long story short, python with numpy, pandas and tensorflow are all you need to read the audio from…

Logitech MX Mechanical Mini & Master 3S

Logitech MX Mechanical Mini & Master 3S
I am a bit of a keyboard nerd. Earlier this year when I did my Marie Kondo impression and decluttered my computer junk, I had several keyboards I sold. I was in the market for a new main keyboard now that I keep a PC in the living room and…

Outdoor Temperature Sensors for Home Assistant

Outdoor Temperature Sensors for Home Assistant
Recently, I have had a few things I want to monitor temperature of with Home Assistant. The chicken coop needs one for Kim's peace of mind. She likes to know when it's cold so she can turn the heater on. There is also a absolute floor where we would bring…

Python Nerdery: Data Scraping for Home Assistant

Python Nerdery: Data Scraping for Home Assistant
One thing I want to monitor in Home Assistant isn't supported in any traditional way. I want to know how much propane our generator has, and I only have a local provider website to work with. Enter Python to load a browser, log me in, grab the data and send…

Change Position to Change Perspective?

Change Position to Change Perspective?
I recently decided to move a PC I wasn't using much into our living room. I had been using a laptop stand to work on my Macbook Pro, but it wasn't remotely ergonomic and I felt it. I had a desk I wasn't using in storage. All I really needed…