I have a HaikuBox listening to bird calls near my house. This morning's coffee tinker is collecting visit data from the API, passing it to Ollama with a custom prompt and outputting a casual PDF report I can read. import requests from datetime import date import json import re from…
I've recently switched to Obsidian Notes and wanted a way to integrate my notes into my Open WebUI implantation of Ollama. I came up with a little integration on Github if you would like to play with it. It's working great now, but I got some hilarious results getting there.…
Several of my goal breaks were oriented towards sorting out my tools and processes: My note taking had become splintered between OneNote, Apple Notes and many text files. I need a single source and it needs to be something that isn't difficult to integrate with other systems. Tasks were mostly…
I have a camera that shoots Mount Rainier all of the time. This morning's coffee tinker was automatically color grading the stream import cv2 import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import os class RTSPGrader: def __init__(self): # RTSP connection settings - fill these in self.username = "user" self.password…
A mole chewed through the liner and emptied most of v1. Now that v2 is complete, the racoon problem should be solved and I am very happy with how it turned out. Moasure One thing I have to mention is Moasure. I got Moasure in February of this year. I…
I have completed my designs, sorted out deterrence for raccoons and moles, and ordered the newer, thicker liner with an under-liner. I'm going bigger and better. It will be deep enough raccoons can't walk around and eat things and the walls will be shaped with cinderblock and quick concrete. Bring…
This one was one of the most detailed tinkers to date. TLDR; once I got deep enough to understand how to do it, I decided I didn't have enough time or depth to pursue it. I can share some interesting insights though. The Idea I got this idea in my…