I get asked about Rainier and volcanos a lot. I decided to integrate some seismic data into Home Assistant today for information and future notifications.
When I set up the Synology NAS as my backup solution and security camera solution, one of the things I was curious about was the time lapse feature. I don't really have any need for time lapses of my security cameras, but I did add one special camera on the…
The mirrorless switch has me excited to get out and shoot. With the 100-500mm lens requiring support in all but bright light, it was time to let my decades old Manfrotto tripod and monopod go and make the switch to Carbon Fiber. I went with SIRUI mostly, except I wasn't…
This one took a bit of planning to figure out the best way to go about it. Graham's soil is full of rocks. I knew I wasn't going to dig 50 holes with a shovel. I also knew that the Ryobi auger I have struggles with the potato size rocks…
It was a failed trip unfortunately. It was too early for the boat access and that was the only path to the water. I did catch a couple nice shots driving around looking for access.