A love letter to Docker Compose

A love letter to Docker Compose
Today I moved my Home Assistant setup from the NAS it's been on for 3+ years, to my frigate server. With Frigate processing 15 cameras for objects, both the CPU and GPU rarely rose over 10%. I had noticed some response issues with Home Assistant and had eliminated all of…

NGD – Les Paul Traditional Pro II

NGD – Les Paul Traditional Pro II
I am always horse trading. I'd had a Jackson guitar I wanted to move for awhile. What are the odds that I found someone on Craigslist asking to trade for the exact guitar I wanted to trade? I would never have bought a Les Paul with a Floyd Rose bridge,…

Milestone: Ending Break

Milestone: Ending Break
Well, I made it a year, and what a year it’s been! I thought I’d run out of things to do after three months, but I kept finding new projects and pushing myself further. I started my break one year ago, and I can’t say enough about how personally rewarding…