Python Nerdery: Natural Language to SQL Bird Call Queries

Python Nerdery: Natural Language to SQL Bird Call Queries
Sitting at my desk with a fresh coffee, I had an idea: build a web app that lets you ask questions about the Haikubox bird data in plain English and get plain answers back. Built the whole thing using Ollama to handle the natural language → SQL conversion, then execute…

Python Nerdery: Audio RSTP AI Listener

Python Nerdery: Audio RSTP AI Listener
Today's python experiment came after hearing an explosion outside. We never identified what it was, but it led me to be curious if I could create an AI listener to the camera. Long story short, python with numpy, pandas and tensorflow are all you need to read the audio from…

Python Nerdery: The Casual Bird Report

Python Nerdery: The Casual Bird Report
I have a HaikuBox listening to bird calls near my house. This morning's coffee tinker is collecting visit data from the API, passing it to Ollama with a custom prompt and outputting a casual PDF report I can read. import requests from datetime import date import json import re from…

Python Nerdery: Security Camera Color Grading

Python Nerdery: Security Camera Color Grading
I have a camera that shoots Mount Rainier all of the time. This morning's coffee tinker was automatically color grading the stream import cv2 import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import os class RTSPGrader: def __init__(self): # RTSP connection settings - fill these in self.username = "user" self.password…

Can I use AI as my Frigate False Positive Checker?

Can I use AI as my Frigate False Positive Checker?
The good thing about Coral TPUs are they are really fast. The bad thing about Coral TPUs are the models they use are really small so they aren't very accurate. Luckily Frigate has a really advanced system for configuring object detection filters by size, ratio, etc. As well as a…