I recently decided to move a PC I wasn’t using much into our living room. I had been using a laptop stand to work on my Macbook Pro, but it wasn’t remotely ergonomic and I felt it. I had a desk I wasn’t using in storage. All I really needed to add was a chair and I was sorted.

It’s been a good month now and the thing I didn’t expect, is how much more productive I would become as a coder. Working on one small screen on laptop in an uncomfortable position doesn’t breed creativity. Turns out being able to comfortably sit, or walk up to a standing desk ready to go has changed my perspective quite a bit.

I am much more likely to just open a new project in Visual Studio Code than I was before. The overhead feels so much less. I’m a Mac guy through and through, but I’m very comfortable with Windows. It turns out that I use Windows much more when the two are side by side.

The view doesn’t hurt either.